Gig Prep & setlist

well, the last few weeks have been pretty stressfull, I've had a no. of tech & life set backs that have made preparing for this gig on may 4th a real pain to march through, though I'm in the final 2 days of work now, & will be tying it all together fast!

decided on a final setlist of

May 4th Live Set

1. Life of an analogue monster
2. Miskin
3. Snap ya
4. Thump Gauge
5. Over the rainbow
6. Light Eater
7. Rollback
8. 30r
9.Grump Strut
10. Forlease

a few new tracks in there, some recent(ish) ones & a golden oldie... (I figured why the funk not!?)

I hope many of you can make it out to the gig, as its always nice to play to some familur faces, aswel as some new ones

see you all friday

S x

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